Wraps a string mixin and displays the string at compile-time. Useful for debugging.
template defineFloat(string name) { enum defineFloat = "float "~name~";"; } string defineInt(string name, string value) { return "int "~name~"="~value";"; } mixin(traceMixin!("defineFloat!", `"myFloat"`)); mixin(traceMixin!("defineInt!", `"myInt", 5`));
Turns Into:
template defineFloat(string name) { enum defineFloat = "float "~name~";"; } string defineInt(string name, string value) { return "int "~name~"="~value";"; } float myFloat; pragma(msg, "defineFloat:\n float myFloat;"); int myInt=5; pragma(msg, "defineInt:\n int myInt=5;");
Compiler Output:
defineFloat: float myFloat; defineInt: int myInt=5;
See Implementation
Wraps a string mixin and displays the string at compile-time. Useful for debugging.
Turns Into:
Compiler Output: